U.S. Representative John Culberson spoke about recent Congressional activities including the Fiscal Year 2018 Omnibus.
Ambassador Chase Untermeyer gave a presentation about the State and National Political Forecast of 2018.
The Texas Asian Republican Club (TARC) and Harris County Republican Party (HCRP) invite you to come join us and celebrate the 2018 Lunar New Year Festival – Year of the Dog. We also need volunteers for 2 to 3-hour shifts between 10 am – 4 pm on Saturday, February 17th.
The Texas Asian Republican Club (TARC) invites you to its General Meeting on January 24th, 2018 at Kim Son Buffet. Our featured speakers will be HCRP Chair, Paul Simpson, and FBCRP Chair, Jacey Jetton. Please RSVP no later than January 21st, 2018 to tchan48@entouch.net.