September 13-15 2021 Our America Action cordially invites Conservative Leaders and Activists from all Minority Demographics throughout Texas to attend the Conservative Minority Conference 2021 on September 13-15. This Conference is a first of its kind in Texas where the focus of this event will be on the minority demographic with specific emphasis on the Black, Hispanic, and Asian communities. The Conservative Minority Conference 2021 is an opportunity to meet other like-minded conservatives from various demographics and develop ways…

Candidate Forum with Republican State House Candidates: HD 46 – Gabriel Nila, HD 47 – Paul Workman and HD 49 – Kyle Austin

Texas Supreme Court Justice Jimmy Blacklock was the guest speaker for TARC’s May General Meeting.

U.S. Representative John Culberson spoke about recent Congressional activities including the Fiscal Year 2018 Omnibus.

Ambassador Chase Untermeyer gave a presentation about the State and National Political Forecast of 2018.

We will continue to discuss the overall the 11 resolutions on the March GOP primary ballot and we will go through each one to see how we feel about them.

The Texas Asian Republican Club (TARC) and Harris County Republican Party (HCRP) celebrate the 2018 Lunar New Year Festival – Year of the Dog – at the Chinese Community Center.

TARC proudly presents a very informative and educational Tax Reform seminar by Joseph D. Anderson III, MBA, Director of Advanced Planning Group at Prudential.

TARC held its first general meeting with special guests, Honorable Pete Olson, U.S. Representative of the 22nd Congressional District, Jacey Jetton, Chair of the Fort Bend County Republican Party and Paul Simpson, Chair of the Harris County Republican Party.

The TARA of Austin is having a meeting January 10th, 2018 at The Park in the Domain with our local SREC members, Jan Duncan and Fernando Trevino.